The Skinny Platform

Why is the skinny needed for authors?

Why is the skinny needed for readers?

about us

What is the skinny

The Skinny™ is an evolution of the business book we all have a love-hate relationship with.

We removed everything that didn’t add value so we could deliver the most impact in the shortest amount of time. Skinny™ books are written to be read in approximately 30 minutes, so you can read them and work through the framework in a free morning or afternoon.

We do this while maintaining the author’s voice throughout the whole process. You won’t get all the filler and revised words most ghostwriters use. When reading a Skinny™, you will be reading the author’s words and ideas as they say and intend them to be read.

We were dissatisfied with traditional business books, which are the standard today, so we reinvented them. Skinnies™ are that reinvention.

5 Components of a Skinny Book​


Written to be read in under 30 minutes


We have a true partnership with our authors because 2
is better than 1

Experience Share

Vulnerable & Relatable Stories


Learn & Grow with our books

Be Heard

Breakthrough the noise as an author & thought leader


Our Story

For over a decade, Dan tried to wrap my head around how to write a traditional business book because he always felt he had something to say. He was stuck because he didn’t know how to say it. Every time he would go to begin writing, he hit a mental block he could not overcome.

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Then life happened. Dan had a major health scare (that he is managing and doing well with now!), but this scare led him to revise my purpose statement from Do Good Things With Good People to Do More Good Things with Good People. This concept of Do More lit a fire inside of him and led him to join Strategic Coach.

There, he was taught the concept of the 4 Cs Formula: Committing with Courage builds Capabilities and leads to Confidence. This led him to a crossroads where he either had to commit to figuring out how to write a book or move on from it. He decided to commit and hired a ghostwriter.

In this commitment, he came up with the concept of the Skinny Book simply to get him unstuck. This was not going to be just another business book with all the fluff, theories, and examples from other businesses. This was just going to be Dan sharing his experience and how he got through it, nothing more.

At the beginning of the ghostwriting process, he was incredibly excited, but as he got further into it, he realized they were writing the book they wanted to write and not the book he wanted to write. Worst of all, his voice was lost in the final product. He didn’t recognize it as his work.

This was the point at which The Skinny Platform was born. His son, Ben, and he decided to write it together. They began developing the interview process to lead to a book that includes all my words and concepts so the final product is in his voice. Most importantly, though, they would figure out how to be heard.

Now, we are working on this as a startup and looking for more entrepreneurs like Dan who need help being heard.


Mission Statement, Core Values, and Goals

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to be the place for entrepreneurs who have something to share and want to be heard.

Core Values:

The values of The Skinny Platform are the foundation for the Skinny Books themselves.
The 5 values are:

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